If you've landed on this page from an area outside of our geographical coverage - or if you're seeking other services related to good health in general, take a look at these personal care related partner sites of ours below. You may find the eye surgeon you're looking for near you to help correct your cataracts or whatever other personal maintenance and improvement services you need. Be sure to check back in on this page as other vision related needs arise.
- Orange County Hypnosis
- Are you working to improve your life - but having difficulty achieving your vision? Maybe you have habits that are self destructive, like overspending or poor budgeting, but you can't lose them. Do you want to quit smoking? Do you want to lose weight? Are there fears or anxieties that prevent you from fully enjoying life? Do you lack self confidence and want to be more self assured? If you are frustrated with yourself, visit Linda Rider - one of Orange Counties top clinical hypnotherapists - and take the first step toward more self control and personal achievement using clinical hypnosis.
- Dr. Madeline Miller, Cosmetic Dermatologist
- Dr. Miller's Newport Skin Care practice provides non-surgical skin rejuvenation for appearance conscious people not willing to accept the normal aging process. A cosmetic dermatologist, Dr. Miller's practice serves Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, CA - and south Orange County with appearance improvement programs around the eyes and other areas - that include a variety of skin care services and overall youth maintenance. We specialize in non surgical techniques that include Botox, Restylane treatments, diamond peel microdermabrasion, fotofacial skin rejuvenation treatments, spider vein removal, and many other "in office" procedures.
- OC Record Scanning
- Scanning and storing medical records is the focus of this Orange County, CA based document imaging and scanning services company. OC Record Scanning provides document imaging and storage for hospitals, clinics, physician practices - including eye surgeons, Ophthalmologist, patient charts and records, labs, and healthcare electronic business records management. OC Record Scanning focuses on secure medical record keeping for improved HIPPA compliance. Healthcare electronic records storage reduces patient records storage and labor costs by converting patient charts and documents to electronic format and storing them in compact, secure, high speed document management systems for immediate storage and retrieval.
- Spectrum Healthcare Records Scanning and Storage
- Orange County, CA based document imaging and scanning services for hospitals, clinics, Ophthalmologists, physician practices, patient charts and records, labs, and healthcare electronic business records management. Spectrum provides imaging for important medical record keeping and improved HIPPA compliance. This healthcare records storage service provider reduces patient records storage and labor costs by converting patient charts and documents to digital format and storing them in secure, high speed document management systems for immediate storage and retrieval. Instantly retrieve patient records on demand by only authorized personnel to improve business efficiency, confidential security compliance, and avoid the loss of key medical records.