CK, or Conductive Keratoplasty, is a non laser procedure for those of us who have difficulty focusing our eyes on items up close. It can be used to correct common Presbyopia as well as those who are farsighted.
The CK procedure involves reshaping the surface of the cornea using a controlled release of radio frequency, or RF, energy to heat and shrink the corneal tissue. Doing this makes the cornea steeper and allows the light to properly focus.
Prior to performing CK, your eye surgeon will map your cornea to determine its unique shape. This, essentially, is a planning document used to determine how much and where the RF energy is applied. The eye is then slightly numbed with eye drops and markers or imprint treatment patterns are placed on the eye as "targets." Then, the RF energy is applied and your vision is corrected without contact lens or glasses.
The procedure takes 5 to 10 minutes. Once you're done - you will rest a bit in the clinic and then have a friend drive you home.